Monday, March 24, 2008

Diagnosis: Mediocre

Warning: If you do not wish to know what happens in Season Three of Doc Martin, please discontinue reading this post NOW!

I have cast the final episode of Doc Martin, Series Three, into the realms of mediocrity for two reasons. There is, of course, the obvious reason - a not so happy ending. But more mediocre than that is the following exchange of dialogue:

Martin: I thought if I just ... sat there, it would be in your best interests.

Louisa: Humiliating me as I stood in the church alone would be in my best interests would it?

Martin: Well you weren't going to be in the church.

Louisa: Well at least I had the decency to write you a letter.

Louisa's final line there bugs me no end. Surely, honestly, the scene should have played out like this:

Martin: I thought if I just ... sat there, it would be in your best interests.

Louisa: Humiliating me as I stood in the church alone would be in my best interests would it?

Martin: Well you weren't going to be in the church.

Louisa: You didn't bloody well know that!

Let's hope the mediocrity of the Series Three finale paves the way for greatness in Series Four.

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